
Preoperative diagnostics

What is a preoperative cardiological examination?

A preoperative risk assessment is an examination that is carried out in preparation for an upcoming surgical procedure.


Why is a cardiological examination carried out before a planned operation?

Both the operation and the anesthesia place a certain physiological burden on your body. The preoperative examination gives us the opportunity to ensure that this burden can be safely managed. Your existing illnesses, which may also increase your risk, will also be taken into account. Finally, a written cardiological surgical release will be issued.


What can you expect during a preoperative cardiological check-up at our practice?

You should come to your appointment with knowledge of the planned procedure. Depending on the complexity of the planned procedure and your medical history, further examinations may be necessary to ensure a safe outcome.

During the preoperative examination, you can expect a physical examination, an ECG and blood tests. Depending on your age, pre-existing conditions and the type of procedure planned, further examinations such as an ultrasound of the heart may be added.

Ideally prepared for surgery.

Why should you consult our mecical team of experts before your planned surgery?

We offer many years of experience in treating patients before and after surgery. Our medical team were working together as head of an ultrasound laboratory for a long time and were responsible for the cardiological care of multimorbid thoracic and general surgical patients.

We will discuss the possible risks of the operation with you. In complicated cases, we may refer you for further tests or to other specialists. If possible, you will be given approval for surgery.